Signing and digest tools

Functions and classes that deal with signing data and making digests.

class flask_saml2.signing.Digester

Base class for all the digest methods. SAML2 digest methods have an identifier in the form of a URL, and must produce a text digest.

Subclasses should set the uri attribute and provide a make_digest() method.

Implemented digest methods: Sha1Digester.


>>> from flask_saml2.signing import Sha1Digester
>>> digester = Sha1Digester()
>>> digester(b'Hello, world!')
uri = None

The URI identifing this digest method


Make a binary digest of some binary data using this digest method.

Return type


class flask_saml2.signing.Signer

Sign some data with a particular algorithm. Each Signer may take different constructor arguments, but each will have a uri attribute and will sign data when called.

Implemented signers: RsaSha1Signer.


>>> from flask_saml2.signing import RsaSha1Signer
>>> from flask_saml2.utils import private_key_from_file
>>> key = private_key_from_file('tests/keys/sample/idp-private-key.pem')
>>> signer = RsaSha1Signer(private_key)
>>> signer(b'Hello, world!')
uri = None

The URI identifing this signing method

class flask_saml2.signing.SignedInfoTemplate(params={})

A <SignedInfo> node, such as:

<ds:SignedInfo xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""></ds:CanonicalizationMethod>
    <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""></ds:SignatureMethod>
    <ds:Reference URI="#${REFERENCE_URI}">
            <ds:Transform Algorithm=""></ds:Transform>
            <ds:Transform Algorithm=""></ds:Transform>
        <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""></ds:DigestMethod>

Generate the XML node for this template. Generally accessed through xml.

class flask_saml2.signing.SignatureTemplate(params={})

A <Signature> node, such as:

<ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">
classmethod sign(subject, certificate, digester, signer, reference_uri)

Create a SignatureTemplate by signing a subject string.

  • subject (str) – The string to sign. This is usually the canonical string representation of the XML node this <Signature> verifies.

  • certificate (X509) – The certificate to sign the data with

  • digester (Digester) – The algorithm used to make the digest

  • signer (Signer) – The algorithm used to sign the data

  • reference_uri (str) – The ID of the element that is signed

See also: SignableTemplate.sign()


Generate the XML node for this template. Generally accessed through xml.

class flask_saml2.signing.SignableTemplate(params={})

An XmlTemplate that supports being signed, by adding an <Signauture> element.

signature_index = 1

The element index where the signature should be inserted

id_parameter = None

The parameter that contains the element ID

See get_id() and sign()

sign(certificate, digester, signer)

Cryptographically sign this template by inserting a <Signature> element.

The ID of the node to sign is fetched from get_id().

  • certificate (X509) – The certificate to sign the data with

  • digester (Digester) – The algorithm used to make the digest

  • signer (Signer) – The algorithm used to sign the data

Return type


make_signature(certificate, digester, signer)

Create XML <Signature> node for the subject text.

Return type



Insert a <Signature> into this node.


Get the ID of the root node, required to sign() this node. By default, grabs the ID from the parameter named in id_parameter.

Return type


flask_saml2.signing.sign_query_parameters(signer, bits)

Sign the bits of a query string.

>>> signer = ...  # A Signer instance
>>> bits = [('Foo', '1'), ('Bar', '2')]
>>> sign_query_parameters(signer, bits)
Return type
