Identity providersΒΆ

When users need to authenticate themselves with a Service Provider (SP), the SP will redirect the user to an Identity Provider (IdP). The users will authenticate with the Identity Provider, and will be redirected back to the Identity Provider with a payload that identifies the user.

Flask SAML2 implements all parts of the IdP workflow, except for authenticating your users against your user database (or however your users are managed). Developers should create an IdentityProvider subclass for their application that integrates with some other form of authentication, such as Flask-Login. Once a user is authenticated with the IdP, relevant user details will be composed into a payload which will be sent via the users browser back to the SP.

The method IdentityProvider.create_blueprint() generates a Flask Blueprint, which needs to be registered in your application via app.register_blueprint(idp.create_blueprint()).

Any Service Providers the IdP handles need to be registered as well. These will be instances of SPHandler.

An functional example IdP and Flask application that uses a static list of users can be found in the examples/ directory of the repository.